Installation instructions Download the file "" and store it on your local C:\ or D:\ disk. Use WinZip or other utility to extract the zip file, ensure that you store the extracted directory on the root of your C:\ or D:\ Drive. Within the directory "C:\Ilwis372_WFS_Ev2" double click "ilwis.exe" and ILWIS will start. Eventually make a shortcut of "ILWIS.exe" to your desktop. Note that you still need to install "IrfanView", download the file "" and store this file on your local drive. Unzip the file and double click the application. You can find the IrfanView installation instructions also in chapter 1 of the WFS_Emanual2.pdf available on this ftp location. All other resources are included in the main "" file. If problems do occur, please contact the corresponding author: